video art
mirror effect
Mirror Effect was made using a snippet of circuit bent video. It was altered with a variety of digital effects. One effect created a figure like image - a head and body shape. This shape became a constant throughout the film. Mirror Effect is an expressionist film. The interior is made external through abstraction, manipulation and distortion to reveal subjective truths.
infinite spiral v.1
Infinite Spiral versions 1 & 2 use found footage of a party from the early 1960s. Dancers often appear to be in a trance, lost in the frenzy. While editing I thought of dance manias that occurred between the 14th and 17th centuries. Driven by religious fervor, social unrest and other motives, dancing would continue in a group fury until exhaustion and collapse. A soundtrack of vocal samples, beats and electronic effects was combined with digital visual effects with this choreomania in mind.
infinite spiral v.2
Compression was produced using a circuit bent (rewired) video tablet. Altering the tablet caused it to produce patterns not intended by the original device. The results were digitally manipulated and arranged into a movie. Compression was influenced by structural/materialist film theories which reject narrative content and cinematic space. Instead, emphasis is placed on process, production and the flattening of space. These ideas are coupled with circuit bending’s aesthetic embrace of error, accident, and defect.
when air becomes fire
When Air Becomes Fire was created with found footage of a military training film about incendiary weapons. The film’s surface was reworked using a variety of direct methods such as scratching, bleaching and dyeing. The results were digitally altered and re-edited. The original soundtrack was replaced with electronic and assorted other sounds.