pinhole photography
Images below were taken with a 35mm pinhole camera in Decatur, Geeorgia. Pinhole images have a softer focus with infinite depth of field. I'm drawn to their dream-like quality, as if recalling a distant memory or something almost forgotten. Subjects chosen are those glimpsed from the corner of one's eye. Bypassed buildings, empty fields, blank walls - objects and vistas without significance. In some cases they no longer exist as once seen, obliterated by non-stop urban development. These are snapshots for the amnestic viewer, photographed quickly and left behind to eventually disappear.
More about pinhole photography here. Some images were chemically toned to change their color. More about that here.
More about pinhole photography here. Some images were chemically toned to change their color. More about that here.
More information about historic and alternative photographic techniques used can be found at